Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekly YouTube Vid: Angry German Edition

You have GOT to be kidding me! Kinda makes you wonder if a certain someone had any descendants we didn't know about...

Microsoft Says PS3 Won't Stick To Single SKU

It will still probably turn out into something like this again. Read about it at engadget.

Weekly Webspace: Penny Arcade Edition Part II

This weeks update is pretty good, (if I do say so myself). So like always go and check out the good folks over at penny-arcade

Updates Have Been Coming Slow Now

But it's okay, because I will soon be focusing more on this site in the coming future. For now, you guys can go and buy some CD's (*ehem or pirate) and listen to some good music. One such new release is Sum 41's. They are actually back, so go check it out. There are tons of good music releases in the coming weeks so keep clicking that big refresh button on your local iTunes Store page.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Audi A8 Gets Smart

The new upcoming A8 models from Audi, are getting a very important upgrade. While many people would find the new standard sound system, LED headlights, and the transmission an extreme convenience, even more people will drool at the abilty of the new model to simulate (read: copy) competitor's automobiles. Imagine you are driving in the new A8, and you feel you need to have a more sportier car. It is not yet clear how the consumer would do this, but by using advanced hydraulic systems the A8 would accomodate to whichever car you feel you need, such as a Porsche, or an Aston Martin. Let's see it try and imitate this baby!