Friday, January 25, 2008


Let me give you a simple fact. When it comes to cars, looks are everything. Some people might say that the speed, power, and cost of a car are what make it important. They are wrong. No one will buy an ugly sofa, no matter how comfortable or cheap it might be.

With that having been said, I give you the Nissan GT-R. This sublime vehicle cannot be included in the same phrase with words such as ugly, nasty or Skyline. That's right. Nissan has dropped all links with the Skyline name, because this new GT-R is new from the ground up. Its mighty 480bhp twin-turbo straight six is utterly unburstable and awesome in its power. It's fast, alright - 60mph comes up in 3.5 seconds, the standing quarter mile in 11.7 seconds and it goes on to 197mph. This car truly has no competitors and there can be no arguing with its ability to rev, and no criticism of its power delivery. It is entirely linear, with no lag.

You can go on and read the full article about the Nissan GT-R here.

Video Of The Week (Short Circuit Edition)

Many of you still probably remember the movie Short Circuit . Oh, yes that lovable Johnny 5 - that friendly, self-aware robot won all of our hearts ever since he was struck by lightning atop that mountain hill. This just so happened to be my favorite movie when I was about five. Yet I have to admit, I don't really remember Johnny 5's mouth being so dirty in the sequel to Short Circuit ...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Three-Day Weekends Kick Arse

Making crostata con marmellata di fragola:

—One Box of Jam Tarts From Ralph's
—One Cup of "No Bumping Into Chairs"

Monday, January 14, 2008


Well, yes, it is Monday. Many people hate Mondays but—what you thought I was gonna be an exception? Nope. I hate Mondays too. I, like you, can relate to this video. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sony's New Mylo 2

The mylo is back, and this time it's gotten serious. The once humble, even kind of laughable device has been upgraded with specs respectable enough to make former naysayers sit up and take notice. Check it out:

  • 800 x 480 3.5-inch (resistive) touchscreen display!

  • 1GB internal storage, mini-USB

  • 1.3 megapixel camera, 802.11b/g, colored info-LEDs

  • WMA / PlaysForSure DRM, MP3, AAC, ATRAC, and MPEG-4 codec support

  • Flash Lite 3 (capable of playing back YouTube videos, for example)

  • Netfront-based browser, AIM / Gtalk / Yahoo IM support

  • Skype support, podcast and RSS aggregator (!), and an expandable widget panel with access to Google, YouTube, Facebook and other web 2.0 sites

  • Attachable face plates ($20) and cradle ($30) options

  • Free Wayport WiFi access at your local participating McDonald's until December 31, 2010

  • 5.1 x 2.5 x 0.8-inch footprint

Unfortunately you still can't add your own apps to the device, making it far less compelling then, say, the similar but far better equipped Nokia N810 -- which goes for $180 more. It's shipping this month for $300, "BS" key included for no additional charge.

Skype On PSP

Sony just spit out a press release announcing the availability of Skype on PSP courtesy of a firmware update due later this month. After the update, a Skype icon will be available under the Network menu, allowing users to create a new account or login with their existing one. Otherwise, it's Skype as usual: free calls between Skype users; SkypeOut to make calls to regular old phones; SkypeIn to receive calls on your PSP (just don't answer the phone in front of a potential mate). There is one notable caveat however: Skype will only work on the PSP-2000 (ie: PSP Slim, PSP Lite, PSP Petite). We're not sure if there's a hardware limitation preventing the original PSP from using the service but our best guess is that whatever microphone attachment is released may not be compatible with the older model. Also, no word if Skype functionality will be enabled in-game. More as we hear it, folks.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Blu-Ray FTW

Do you hear that? That's the sound of victory. Warner Bros. has gone Blu-ray exclusive. According to Barry Meyer, Chairman & CEO, this decision was made to bring a quick end to this tiresome format war. "The window of opportunity for high-definition DVD could be missed if format confusion continues to linger," he noted. We have to agree.

Warner Bros. will continue supporting HD DVD until May 2008. However, after that time, the studio will be exclusively Blu.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Porsche Carrera GT

Drifting a supercar takes a certain amount of fortitude in the trouser department. All the more so on narrow mountain roads. And even more so when the car you're drifting is the Porsche Carrera GT, which aside from being worth a good half-a-mill easy, is also reputed to be one of the most difficult cars to control.

That's what makes this video so damned impressive. If you're a fan of supercars, of Porsches or of drifting – and chances are if you're reading this you're in at least two of those camps – then this video can't be missed. Never mind that the spoken language is German. "Vroom" is universal.

Holiday Hangover

Mind you, the kind of holiday hangover that is haunting me cannot be produced or replicated by any type of alcohol. No. This kind of hangover can only come from knowing that your vacation time is wearing thin. And soon, it will be reduced yet again from vacation time, to school time. I wouldn't mind it, were it not for the horrible realization that I'm starting to see more and more people wear scarves.


When I see assholes people wearing these silly scarves, I know immediately that we have nothing in common, and that we could never be friends or have any meaningful kind of relationship. Now, you might be saying to yourself, "This guy is a scarfist!" (Scarfism- The belief that scarves and those who wear scarves are somehow inferior.)

But you must understand, I only hate the many douchebags—you know the kind, with product in their hair, and the popped collars— that wear these damn things. Wearing a scarf feels like the result of a weak midget's dwarf's (they're not real anyway) attempt at strangling you. Some people define this feeling as cozy, but that's just their bullshit propaganda. Do the world a favor, if you ever see people like that (pictured above) tighten the rope around their neck.