Wednesday, July 30, 2008

iPhone 3G? Um, Where.

"What the fuck, Apple?!" Really now, that's the only thing on the mind of the iPhone 3G users right now - possibly as they're checking the availability of the iPhone on Apple's shitty website if any of they're poorly run stores have any of these phones in stock. Now there are some funny comments that some of the Apple loyal customers share. And all of them seem to come close to saying the same thing which is this:

"golden_boy wrote:
Yes folks, Apple employee do lied about having iphone in stock...heres my story.
i called yesterday to see if they have the iphone, lady on the other end said yes they do, they just got a shipment in.
i got to the apple store in 15min, asked the clerk working there, she said no they don't have any more i phone..was upset so i left.
got back home, called the same store again just to see if its out or not, the person on the line said...ohh yeah we got some in...
i went back my iphone. i stared down that lady that lied to me...she turned red and walked away.
remember to asked more then one employee...

...good luck on the iphone hunt for folks that don't have it yet."

(this is possibly poorly written by a 12 year old mute child)

But there are some positive things out there too, don't get me wrong.
Greg Albrecht from his website says: "Fuck the iPhone and fuck you Steve Jobs! You suck, fuck you and fuck Apple."
Some guy waiting in line said: "I don't care for vagina!"
The guy in front of him replied: " Why am I buying such a bitch-phone? What ARE my alternatives?!?"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Suggestion For iPhone Apps?

Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and program/create some applications for the iPhone. Anyone who wants to help or leave me any suggestions and tips will be greatly appreciated. The best three suggestions I pick, I will send the three apps to those original posters. So if you'd like some nicely made iPhone apps for free simply leave your email address along with your name on the comments section. (Note: To download the apps I will send to you, you will need a computer and a copy of iTunes 7.7)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

E3 (Really?)

(click to see full comic)

Okay, so E3 this week was pretty interesting. Just take a look at the amazing comic that gives you the rundown of pretty much all of the presentations of the big three: Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony respectively.