Monday, April 28, 2008


There's been some commentary put forth about whether or not exclusive reviews can be trusted, an absolutely fair avenue of inquiry. Unfortunately, GTA IV's tectonic, continent cracking power makes assessing possible score inflation difficult. IGN's forty page exegesis is distilled down into a ten, Eurogamer says "ten," and surely these are not the only tens we'll see. Gamespy tells us that the game merits five stars, but what is their celestial configuration? Stars may be of ill omen. 1up has given it an A+, which is not a number, making the score less... numeric(?). At some point today, I expect to hit up GameRankings and see a score delivered in degrees Fahrenheit. Boy, that'll be some useful fucking information.

In any case, there's no score higher than ten, and tens or ten equivalents are being dished out by every Tom, Dick, And Harry. If IGN had given it a twelve, scourging them would be much easier.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

PSN Store Update April 15

A press release sent out by SCEJ has revealed that firmware version 2.30 and, by extension, the newly redesigned PlayStation Store will be available on April 15th. There's no word on whether new content will be placed on the store on the day that the redesign goes live, and we're all too familiar with how much Sony hates updating the store on days that don't begin with "Thurs." When the update does go live, however, we'll have plenty of exciting content to look forward to -- Americans can finally get their hands on GT5:P and Warhawk fans the world over will be able to grab the latest expansion.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Life Lessons

"It's not what your country can do for you, it's what your country can steal from other countries."

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Tired of seeing cars that are more expensive than your own? Want to laugh along with friends at other people's misfortunes? Like to see what a crashed Bugatti looks like? Then try!