Monday, April 28, 2008


There's been some commentary put forth about whether or not exclusive reviews can be trusted, an absolutely fair avenue of inquiry. Unfortunately, GTA IV's tectonic, continent cracking power makes assessing possible score inflation difficult. IGN's forty page exegesis is distilled down into a ten, Eurogamer says "ten," and surely these are not the only tens we'll see. Gamespy tells us that the game merits five stars, but what is their celestial configuration? Stars may be of ill omen. 1up has given it an A+, which is not a number, making the score less... numeric(?). At some point today, I expect to hit up GameRankings and see a score delivered in degrees Fahrenheit. Boy, that'll be some useful fucking information.

In any case, there's no score higher than ten, and tens or ten equivalents are being dished out by every Tom, Dick, And Harry. If IGN had given it a twelve, scourging them would be much easier.

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