Sunday, July 27, 2008

Suggestion For iPhone Apps?

Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and program/create some applications for the iPhone. Anyone who wants to help or leave me any suggestions and tips will be greatly appreciated. The best three suggestions I pick, I will send the three apps to those original posters. So if you'd like some nicely made iPhone apps for free simply leave your email address along with your name on the comments section. (Note: To download the apps I will send to you, you will need a computer and a copy of iTunes 7.7)


Anonymous said...

The iPhone is desperately in need of a remote desktop (RDP) application that can connect to Windows servers/desktops. This would go hand-in-hand with the VPN capability of the phone. I think the first one to release a quality RDP client will make a LOT of money!

Chris Costakis
purduecoz at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

From my other thread.

UrAwFuL wrote:
I have dozens other in mind, but for now I'll stick with the ones I want the most.

Although I want that Drum Kit and all of the free apps.

Dang, I think I shoud've gotten the 16GB version now, but its too late to go back now. ><;

[ Reason I say its too late is because shipment comes in four days (my forecast) and I stand no chance against the Apple stores. Plus do I really want to wait another X amount of days? I'm already impatient as is. ]

That lightsaber application looks awesome especially when you're bored.

Some applications I want to suggest though.

- Guitar (Acoustic, electric, bass).
- DJ Turntable.
- Yahoo/MSN Messengers.

And some changes to the phone itself such as

- Dashboard (Like the Mac OS X)
That would be a cool feature though, at the home menu when you tilt the phone to the side the widgets will show such as the current time, date, weather forecasts, stocks, and such.

Also I want to add on the instruments:

- Taiko drum kit (I would totally love that, since I'm so Asian).

- " iPaint " (I'm not sure if theres an APP that exists yet).

That would be cool if there was this program like that Nintendo DS chatroom "Pictochat". Meaning that you can send free messages via Ad-Hoc only (or short range) to each other.

3at1ce said...

Ok, I know nothing about the apps etc ..this will be my first Iphone but what I would like to see according to everything I read that the iphone doesnt do is:


horizontal keyboard when you turn your phone sideways..

Finn said...

I may be crazy but an ap that will do SMS in landscape... is it so hard? Why wont it work in landscape!

3at1ce said...

I wasnt referring to doing texts ...I was referring to 2 different things I would like to see on the iphone.. one being MMS texts and the other being when you turn the phone in landscape mode , the keyboard is in landscape...
according to what I hear, the keyboard wont turn in landscape mode...
sorry if I'm not explaining this correctly... hopefully someone will understand

Anonymous said...

How about an app that allows you to set a turn off and turn on time for the Iphone. One could set it to turn off the phone later at night and on early in the am to extend battery life