Monday, December 1, 2008

Don't Get TOS'd

For those of you that haven't heard:

" The MySpace suicide case concluded last week, with the jury finding Lori Drew guilty of three misdemeanor counts of gaining unauthorized access to the popular social-networking site.

While most of the press attention has been focused on the specifics of the case, the more important issue is the potential impact this could have on the Internet in general.

Web sites terms of service, which end users universally ignore, suddenly have teeth: violating them is a federal hacking offense, punishable with jail time. The days of being able to freely lie on the Web could be coming to an end. This could mean serious trouble for people who lie about their age, weight, or marital status in their online dating profiles."

So if you're on MySpace or Facebook, lying about your age, or your status states "Single" when you're not -- these can all be punishable by law now.

On another note, that kind of fucks up some of the other internet users. An example might be a high school kid on Google researching "homework", let's call it. According to Google's TOS, and the Department of Justice, that kid is a criminal.

And all those people who have lied about their age or weight on any social networking profile would now appear to be computer hackers. Oh, and if you gain 30 pounds after posting your profile and don't promptly update it--yep, jail for you.

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