Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Are You Going To Be For Halloween?

I know what you're thinking - my first answer was gonna be "wasted" too, but I actually thought this one out. This year, I'm gonna be an emu. Not just a regular old emu; an emo emu. Yeah... try saying that three times fast. In case you're wondering what an emo emu might look like, I've went ahead and uploaded that picture at the top for you're viewing pleasure. I'm sure if an emo emu had arms, he'd cut himself. I'm probably not going to have the whole costume thing going. A t-shirt with the words, "For me to like you, I must dislike myself" will have to suffice. What are you gonna be? Let me guess - Joker from Dark Knight. Maybe you guys should go as Heath Ledger instead. Much more creepy to see him walking around.

Monday, October 13, 2008

About Your Language...

As I’m working on my laptop, my friend Jim walks into the room. The following conversation ensues:
“Have you seen this kid on YouTube? The one who made all that Halo shit out of cardboard? That's dedication. Or like... autism,” I look up and tell him.
“I guess it's alright,” Jim replies; coldly adding, “It's not as cool as the shit I can make.”
“You can't make any shit.” I reply.
He pauses for a moment. “Oh yeah? Well, you know my friend Juan?
I made him out of cardboard.”
“Juan Ortega is not made out of cardboard!” I tell him in half laughter.
“It's true. I built him a cardboard house, full of cardboard furniture. And every night when he lies in that cardboard bed, he cries cardboard tears.” At this point I’m laughing as hard as humanly possible. Oblivious to my reaction, Jim adds, “Because the one thing - the only thing - I couldn't make out of cardboard... was love.”

Language can be very useful in many situations. Language can produce feelings; language can account events, and tell stories of past civilizations or people. Sadly, you won’t find the reason of the Maya civilization collapse on here, but you will better understand language.

Many people say that, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I like to think of it as a thousand words are worth a picture. This way, you don’t need a canvas or brush to paint portraits for people. You can use your words. And you, the artist, can emote feelings to your audience. Of course, you don’t have to use expletives in a random anecdote to make someone laugh or smile. One must simply try and paint a vivid masterpiece, so to speak, by using one’s words, (one’s language) and hope for the best.

For example, say you’re a guy trying to express your feelings to a girl you fancy. Some of my friends’ approaches might go something like this:

“Hey. You’re really hot. You wanna go make-out?”

Girl leaves, disgusted.

As you might expect, he may not be the most linguistical guy in the world. However, he might have gotten a better result had he approached her something like this:

“Hello – I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you look tonight. Would you mind having some dinner with me later?”

If the guy had followed this example, the next phrase out of his mouth could have been, “Good morning.”

Having read this, hopefully you will start listening - actually listening - to what you say to other individuals, and not just blurt out something unnecessary and profane for the simple shock value, like so many unoriginal comedians do nowadays, ahem, Dane Cook. From now on be more alert to how other people talk around you, and see the kind of mood they’re in, or what they are feeling. Here are my “thousand words”; I’ll leave it up to you to paint the picture.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Music (To Look Out For)

Vampire Weekend - Ottoman
The Killers - Human
Jack's Mannequin - Spinning
Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You (The Twelves Remix)
The Kooks - Naive
The Kooks - Always Where I Need To Be
Tokyo Police Club - Your English Is Good
Chromeo - Bonafied Lovin'

(Hint: YouTube 'em)

*Everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong.

Did You Notice...

...That everyone has an Apple Macbook, or iBook, or whatever the hell laptop Steve Jobs releases on a daily basis to his sheep (Asian Guy below)? If you're somehow in your late 40's, discovered the Internet, and have not noticed this, let me tell you about it. Here's pretty much what goes on in the head of any kid in college right now that just purchased his/her new Macbook:

- Woah, this thing is expensive! I'm therefore glad that my parents have purchased this for me, because no one in their right mind alone would drop $1500 on a laptop that only costs around $600 to build.
- I'm unemployed.
- I'm gonna take goofy pictures in Photo Booth, and post them on my Facebook/MySpace to show I have a legitimate social life.

So if that doesn't explain it, I'll just say that most people, who own a Macbook are one of the following:
- An artist.
- In a band.
- Unemployed (All of the above.)

So please, enough with this bullshit. We don't need to see some hairy persian guy posting his photos online with a "Sepia", and "Bulge" effect.

On a side note, check out Air MP3. If you're looking for some new songs, chances are they'll be on that site. And if you're asking me, "But are they free mp3s?" just hand the computer over to your parent/guardian and tell them your mind cannot grasp the internet.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Edition

So there's a new comic up, umm, read it to pass some time. I'll post some new music soon. Also, play around with wordle.net