Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Are You Going To Be For Halloween?

I know what you're thinking - my first answer was gonna be "wasted" too, but I actually thought this one out. This year, I'm gonna be an emu. Not just a regular old emu; an emo emu. Yeah... try saying that three times fast. In case you're wondering what an emo emu might look like, I've went ahead and uploaded that picture at the top for you're viewing pleasure. I'm sure if an emo emu had arms, he'd cut himself. I'm probably not going to have the whole costume thing going. A t-shirt with the words, "For me to like you, I must dislike myself" will have to suffice. What are you gonna be? Let me guess - Joker from Dark Knight. Maybe you guys should go as Heath Ledger instead. Much more creepy to see him walking around.

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